Wednesday, October 18, 2006

No words for this...just felt like posting this again.

Soon this color green will turn off and this lost leave will turn brown and then black before it loses its existence forever�.
Ankur Sethi


Anonymous said...

Awesome ankur
keep ur gud work up !!

Anonymous said...

u warapped up the whole life in just a few words! so true!

this pic is simply awesome as mohit said n to me its giving a 3D that my error or is it so?

nice work buddy!


Ankur Sethi said...

# Mohit

Thanks bro..Nice to see ya here :)

# Kirti

Its not 3D..its real :)
As they say...A picture says a thousand words.

Ankur Sethi said...

To myself...

L I F E...hmmm

Anonymous said...

I think this pic gives some message.
If someone leaves the roots, he/she will be nowhere, like these five leaves.

We should stick to our culture and our roots.
They are our strength.

Ankur Sethi said...

- Anonymous

Every pic speaks thousand words, it has the power to convey many stories...

Good that you can hear..

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